5 Reasons to Be Catholic

5 Reasons To Be Catholic

1. Because Jesus Christ Founded The Catholic Church.

We see in Matthew 16:18 that Christ establishes a Church on St. Peter the Apostle. St. Peter is the first Pope of the Catholic Church. For 2000 years there is a line of Popes from Peter to St. Francis today teaching the same teachings for 2000 years.

As a Christian, do you want to be part of the Church Christ founded in the Bible?

2. Because Other Christian denominations and doctrine are Man Made.

When we look at other Christian Churches, they are all founded by men. Yes they use scripture but they use their own interpretation of scripture. Whether it is Non-Denominational Christian, Baptist, Evangelical and all Non-Catholic Christians. All of these are man made using their own personal interpretations of what scripture says. That is why there are thousands of different protestant denominations that all disagree on doctrine.

By the way, Non-denominational Christian is a protestant denomination.

Now ask yourself when logically selecting a Christian Church with true doctrine, would you prefer the Christian Church with true doctrine founded by God or men?

3. Because Christ inspired the Catholic Church to write and compile the New Testament.

When dialoguing with our protestant (Non-Catholic) Christian brothers and sisters they always turn to the Bible. This is a great thing. The only problem (for them) is that the New Testament is a Catholic Document. The New Testament was written and then compiled (Canonized) by the Catholic Church by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This same Holy Spirit also interprets the scriptures.

Now would you prefer to follow the interpretations by the same Church that wrote and compiled the New Testament or follow men that came thousands of years later and use their own personal interpretation of what the Bible says?

4. Because Non-Catholic Christians are Missing 7 books from their Old Testament.

Non-Catholic Christians are missing 7 books from their Old Testament. These books are Baruch, Sirach, 1 and 2 Maccabees, Tobit, Judith, and the Wisdom of Solomon, plus portions of Esther and Daniel.

Jesus Christ and the Apostles handed these books to the first Christians to preach and teach others. It was 1500 years later that Martin Luther and the reformers decided what Christ did by passing these books to the first Christians was no longer valid and removed these books.

The question is, who do you follow regarding these 7 books? Christ or Martin Luther?

5. The Eucharist / Communion

At the Last Supper, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and giving it to his disciples said, "Take and eat; this is my body." Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins." (Mt 26:26-28, Mk 14:22-24, Lk 22:17-20, 1 Cor 11:23-25)

Our fellow Non-Catholic Christian brothers and sisters are taught that it is not Christs body or blood, but merely a symbol or spiritual which is not what Christ taught. As we see in scripture, Christ clearly teaches it is His Body and Blood in the form of Bread and Wine.

Do you believe Jesus in the Bible or men today that disagree with Jesus?

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Please let us know your reasons for being Catholic or not being Catholic and comment below. God bless.


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I was born to an Irish Catholic and a Presbyterian. Never baptised. They decided that I could choose my own spiritual path. Went to Catholic church with my father when I was in elementary school. My path was long and varied. I believed that my feelings of being Catholic was ethnic (Irish) and not spiritual. Yea, right. Let’s just say that the Trinity nailed me. I did RCIA and wil never be anything but CATHOLIC!!

Susan O'Neill

I am a cradle Catholic. My Mother has a strong faith and passed it on to my Dad and all 12 of her children. I have never heard a good reason to leave my Catholic faith. Why would I ever leave the Church Jesus founded and I would be forever lost without being able to receive Christ in the Eucharist or receive Forgiveness in Confession.

Bobbi Ackerson

I was born cathlic i live cathlic and i will die cathlic ase a true Christian man Amen


I feel Jesus founded the Catholic church & feel the Mass & all the sacraments were instituted by Jesus to help us with our salvation.

mary ann cash

I am a practicing Catholic and have been so since the day I was baptized on March 3, 1962. I believe in EVERY teaching of our beloved Church. My soul is at peace with God and the Blessed Virgin Mary.


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